Living My Bucket List Life
How bucket list travel changed my life
I'm an avid solo traveller now but that wasn't always the case. In my mid 30s I was at a crossroads in my life. I'd decided I was going to remain childfree but felt tremendous guilt about that and I'd also lost my job, lost my side hustle business and had -$0.57 in my bank account. Then an opportunity presented itself for a bucket list trip to Aotearoa New Zealand and I said, screw it, maxed out my last remaining credit card and and went on a 2 week adventure of a lifetime. The transformation I experienced on that trip gave me the confidence to keep booking more solo trips and crossing more travel off my bucket list until standing at the top of the replica Eiffel Tower in Las Vegas of all places, I realised that my entire life had changed and my calling in life was to help other solo, childfree, self identifying women at a crossroads in their midlife do the same as I had: build the confidence to create an actionable bucket list, actually start taking the trips and in the process completely change their lives in ways they didn't know were possible. I now spend my time helping other childfree, middle age, self identifying women transform their lives through bucket list travel.
Why I'm so excited to do this!
I value myself and my time more now
I have a whole new perspective on life. I value myself and my time more now. I find it so much easier to make decisions. I feel happier and more confident and find it much easier to say no now when I’m asked to do something that I know is going to compromise my self care. I know what my purpose is and actually found the courage to learn new skills that I'd been scared to try and take on before. I know I deserve fulfillment and I believe in myself in a way that I never have in my life until now. I feel like I can do anything and nothing is off limits.
Lita D.// Melbourne, Australia
I'm more optimistic about achieving my dreams
It only took a single session for Corinne to make an impact on my life. She was able to home in on my personal motivations, determine what it is I really wanted, and offer me an action plan for getting started toward achieving that goal. Her advice was concrete and specific, and tailored to me alone. I saw immediate results: I am more focused, more organized, and more optimistic about achieving my dreams. I would highly recommmend Corinne to anyone who is thinking about coaching.
Jennifer Rubio // Alexandria, VA.
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